Saturday, April 05, 2008

Tag, I'm It

Randy, the Internet Ronin has tagged me with another meme. Who am I to say no?

The Rules:

I. Link to the person who tagged you. (See above)

II. Post the Rules Here.

III. Share Seven Random or Weird Facts About Yourself:

1. I went to Space Camp (Space Academy) in the ninth grade.

2. I have an uncle who is involved in local politics. (Guess who!)

3. I spent almost $200 on comic books once.

4. I've been to New York twice.

5. I have copies of Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Federalist Papers on my bookshelf.

6. I started school at age 2.

7. I'm 79 inches in height (6'7'')

IV. Tag 7 random people, linking to them:

1. The Walrus
2. Sean of Rife's Torch
3. David Schraub of the The Debate Link
4. plez of plezWorld
5-7: Any three of my co-bloggers from Stubborn Facts.

V. Leave a comment letting them know you've tagged them.

OK, then.

This of course assumes that all those tagged are willing to accept, but I think they will.


Janet said...

Oh horrors. I had been hoping to avoid this one.

Space Camp. That is pretty cool.

I can't believe I've been to New York more often than you. On second thought, seeing how much a day trip to New York cost us last month, maybe I can believe it.

I'll try to psyche myself into doing this one...

Rafique Tucker said...

Take your time, Janet.

I've been a lot of places in the U.S. I've only left the country once. I need to go to New York again, and really experience it this time.

Anonymous said...

Space camp sounds like fun - did you get to do the weightlessness thing? (I know that I know someone who went but can't recall just who it was.)

Are you tired of being asked if you are a basketball player? My ex would occasionally ask "Are you a midget?" in response. The writer Robert Sherwood (6-6 IIRC) was so terrified by the midgets working near his office in NYC that he begged Robert Benchley and Dorothy Parker to accompany him whenever he went outdoors. One of them thought they looked like a living pipe organ as they walked down the street.

plez... said...

space camp? small world, i wanted to be an astronaut, too... until i grew over 6'4"!

...and who's your uncle?!?

well, i'm in the game and my seven have been tagged... thanks alot, man!


Rafique Tucker said...

Space camp sounds like fun - did you get to do the weightlessness thing? (I know that I know someone who went but can't recall just who it was.)

Yeah, it was interesting. I couldn't take the multi-axis chair for long, though.

Are you tired of being asked if you are a basketball player?

...and who's your uncle?!?

Baltimore City Councilman Melvin Stukes. You might have heard of him.

You have no idea, my friend.